Curious about what Kettlebells can offer your fitness? Are you an athlete looking to up your game? A grandparent wanting to be able to pick up and play with your grandchildren? A weekend warrior? Trying to jump-start your return to normal from summer? Come see how kettlebells can help you.

At ENL Training, we are offering a 4 hour workshop that will touch upon all of the basics of using this tool. Learn how to swing a bell, with one and two hands and gain proficiency in performing the ultimate "slow-burn" in fitness, the Turkish Get-Up. You will leave this workshop being able to
perform these movements using the Hard-Style protocol. Our resident StrongFirst certified Instructor, Robb Parris, will guide you through the introduction using both verbal direction and demos - as only ENL can provide - with fun, focus and family. Even if you have used bells before, everyone needs a refresher or just a keen eye to dial our technique.

Come find out what separates us from the rest. If fitness has become stale, if you're tired of floating around feeling "what should I do today?", come see us. Our principles are unmatched in the area - and you wouldn't know it by reading this - but we know how to have fun while doing it!
Space is limited - don't wait to register!
What You Get: Presentation, Workbook, Demonstration and Knowledge! Oh... and you may do some sweating!!
Date: October 23, 2021
Time: 9:00am to 1:00pm - with a lunch break
Cost: $100.00 + tax - Members
$150.00 + tax - Non-Members
$125.00 + tax - Non-Member Athletes (14-18)
Questions: E-Mail us at enlmpire@gmail.com or enlrobb@gmail.com